Optimizing your existing products

Take your product to the next level with Mi International. Our optimization processes can enhance everything from performance and functionality, to cost-efficiency and appeal. Partnering with us will help you decrease manufacturing costs while extending product life; all this combined helps boost sales! Additionally our Design For Manufacture (DFM) approach provides a valuable tool for successful new product development.

Product Optimization Process:

Identification – We prioritize understanding the problems at hand before identifying features and processes to be enhanced. Our optimization strategy encompasses a wide range of areas such as manufacturing, design, testing, and transportation – all while adhering to industry standards for improved performance.

Definition – Mi International helps clients achieve their optimization objectives through carefully-considered methods. Whether it’s a feature improvement such as weight reduction or an improved process, our team will identify the best solution to maximize efficiency – from material and stress design adjustments for tangible products, to packaging optimizations that reduce distribution time and effort.

Simulation – After establishing and defining the best optimization proposals, we conduct calculations and simulations to assess their impact. Results are then compared against predetermined criteria to determine which solution will provide optimal performance for our needs.

Prototype – Pilots, the results of simulations often require changes to either a product or process. If it’s for the former, prototype construction is necessary; if it’s for the latter then production must take place using an updated procedure.

Testing – To ensure success and accuracy, testing is a critical step in the product development process. Knowing that results can vary depending on multiple changes at once, it’s essential to test new features or associated products under rigorous conditions – one element at a time for easier analysis – before any prototypes or batches are officially released.

Implementation – If the simulations, prototypes and tests have yielded desirable outcomes, it’s time to move on to full-scale production. Costs and timelines can be finalized based off results from prior stages of development. A complete implementation plan will then ensue that includes manufacturing timetables; upgrades applicable for facilities in use; acquiring necessary tooling as well as its modification processers; along with friendly user training – ultimately resulting in updated documents & test plans for a successful life cycle launch!

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